pdp nuisance“Since a Politician never believes what he says, he is always astonished when others do” Charles de Gaulle. The forlorn face of duplicity at the PDP Confusion, Convention I mean at Abuja on the 31st of August says it all that if something is not done fast, this nation is fast on a motion to nowhere. Writing on the issue of Nigeria as its impinge Nigeria has become serious matter that only brings pain to the hand that either writes or typewrites it.
Less I drift from the point; PDP had a national convention, which eventually led to a national confusion. If this leading political party cannot get themselves together, I don’t see how it will produce a qualified candidate for the presidential seat 2015 election. Exchange of words and eventually dismantling of PDP in which led to the formation of the NEW PDP is the new randy in national news. The former President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo called the founding fathers of the party, the likes of Alex Ekwueme; former Vice-President, Chief Solomon lar; former national chairman of the party, General Babangida; former military President and Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar, who is the rallying point of the breakaway group, known as the NEW PDP for an emergency meeting some hours ago. The proposed meeting is scheduled to beheld on Thursday 5th of September and it’s to brainstorm on the festering crisis in the party, eventually culminating in its breakup on Saturday. I wish them luck! But that won’t change the fact that Nigerians are aware that PDP is a bloody party. We are ready to wash them off it with sponge and soap.
I am not here to argue or motivate anyone. Do I have the intention to impress anyone with vocabulary? I am a satirist, I put it down the way it is and not ready for sentiment. People Dat are Pretending or People demo-crazy party’s head boy mounted the podium and read out the over censored speech and not even a single ovation was given to him and when the President of the country gave his speech, the rest of the party members were nodding their head in a sycophantic Agama Lizard fashion. I gave a conclusion. It’s either the President speechwriter is not a Nigerian or he is damned to good in fabricating. Mr. President went on thanking the founding fathers of PDP who where nowhere to be found and other hypocritical appraisal which at a point made me feel like vomiting. I hope I have not annoyed anyone. Like I said earlier, I am not here to impress anyone. After all this annoyance called speech was interesting enough to deserve claps and ovation from old foolish men. Should I be shocked? No, in Nigeria anything not only can happen but also does happen.

Before the dramatic storm of the former Vice-President of Nigeria out of the convention, with other 7 Governors, Names of delegates eligible to contest in the election where read and it means some were screened out.
The Convention ended in disaster as the party will eventually end and their story will end up as a popular adage that says “when a bird is alive it eats ants, yet when it dies the ant eats it”
I rest my case. Court!